Nomination Time is Here!
To Members of the following Regions:
- Gulf Coast
- Mid Continent
- North Central
- Northwest
Now is your time to exercise one of our most precious American traditions, your right to vote. For those members who are not US Citizens but still full members, you too can participate. It begins with thoughtful nominations and culminates with strong representation for your region. Won’t you join us in this time-honored institution?
Regional Director /Alternate Director Qualifications:
- At least 18 years of age.
- NBRSA member for at least (3) consecutive years. Any member will be given up to 30 days to renew from a membership lapse and still be eligible for Director/Alternate election.
- Resident of the region to which nominated.
Who Can Nominate?
- Past NBRSA Regional Directors residing in the region.
- NBRSA members submitting petitions containing the signatures of 10+ members within the region.
- Affiliated Clubs within the region.
Please send me your nominations by Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Send to:
Or Mail to:
NBRSA Business Manager
P.O. Box 349
Concord, VA 24538
If you have questions, contact your Director, or call me at 434-993-9201.
Pam Campbell,
Business Manager
- All Ballots will be mailed to regional members by June 1 for voting.
- The completed Ballots must be returned to the NBRSA office by July 1 to be counted.
- The results will be tabulated by the Business Manager and notification made to the candidates by July 15.
- The results will then be published in the first available magazine issue and posted online ( for members.