Can you please share where you live?
Cortez, Colorado.
What Range(s) do you host as a Match Director?
Coors Benchrest range at the NRA Whittington Center.
How many years have you been a NBRSA Match Director?
Which Benchrest shooting discipline matches do you host at your range? Long Range? Score? Group?
Short Range Group.
Favorite NBRSA registered match you host each year?
The Rattlesnake.
What makes this match so special?
It’s a World Qualifier and our biggest match of the year.
Do you personally shoot any Benchrest matches? If so, which matches?
I shoot several matches each year at Ben Avery, Springville Utah, Lands End and Whittington center.
What rifle components do you use (Scope, Stock, Action, Barrel, Trigger)?
My primary Sporter is March, Cedar mtn, Bat DS, Bartlein, PMA and Bix & Andy.
Greatest benchrest match memory to date?
Winning the 2 Gun at Lands End Benchrest Shooters “Purple Haze” in 2023.
Funniest Benchrest match memory to date?
My Red Heeler Ruby joining in singing Dan Dowling Happy Birthday a few years ago.
How can the NBRSA assist you in making your matches more successful?
I do not know an answer to this specifically, but in my opinion we (NBRSA) need to focus and move forward as much as possible to recruit new shooters. The Benchrest disciplines are not easy for a new shooter to get into without someone(s) pulling them in from the inside.