Whittecar Rifle Club Score Matches
June 6 VFS 200-300 yd MT State Long Range
June 7 HBR 200-300 yd MT State Long Range
July 5 HBR 100-200 yd
Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club Group Matches
June 6 Light Varmint 100-200 yd The Allen Bench Trophy
June 7 Heavy Varmint 200-100 yd The Allen Bench Trophy
The balance of the years Matches to be determined
Tri-City Metallic Silhouette Score Matches
June 27 HBR 100-200 yd
July 25 VFS 100-200 yd
August 22 HBR 100-200 yd
September 26 VFS 100-200 yd WA State Championship
Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club Score Matches
June 28 VFS 100-200 yd Idaho State
July 26 HBR 100-200 yd Idaho State
North Cascade Sportsman Club Score Matches
June 13 HBR 100-200 yd Bob Miller Memorial
June 14 HBR 300 yd Bob Miller Memorial
July 11 VFS 100-200 yd North Cascade Champion Ship
July 12 VFS 300 yd North Cascade Champion Ship
September 12 HBR 100-200 yd State Champion Ship
Yellowstone Rifle Club Score and Group Matches
June 20 HBR 200-300 yd Mac Clark Memorial
June 21 VFS 200-300 yd Mac Clark Memorial
July 25 Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint 100 yd MT State Championship
July 26 Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint 200 yd MT State Championship
August 22 Heavy Varmint 5 shot & Unlimited 10 shot 100-200 yd
August 23 Sporter Rifle 100-200 yd
Please check with the range before you travel there to make sure its still on.