If you’d like to ask a question, voice a concern, or learn more about Bench Rest Shooting, contact us today! We offer easy access to our officers and directors, all of which are happy to help in any way they can.
Looking for Precision Rifleman Magazine?
If you’d like to contact someone regarding Precision Rifleman Magazine, you can reach out to the Editor, Lisa Stippich at lisajas92@gmail.com.
Wayne Campbell
- Interim President
- 434 993-9201
- 434 665-2066
- wcppc@icloud.com
- Vice President
Pam Campbell
- Business Manager, Advertising Manager & Secretary
- 434 993-9201
- nbrsa@icloud.com
Regional Directors
If you have questions and concerns, you can reach out to the directors from your region. Their contact information is available below.
Eastern Region
Pat Reagin
- Eastern Region Director
- 260 437-4534
- patr.pma@gmail.com
- Term Expires 2026
Ken Hottenstein
- Eastern Alternate Director
- 231 920-4505
- hottensteinbullets@gmail.com
- Term Expires 2026
Gulf Coast Region
Mike Conry
- Gulf Coast Region Director
- 432 528-8718
- meconry@suddenlink.net
Kelly Morman
- Gulf Coast Alternate Director
- Term Expires 2025
Mid-Continent Region
Don Creach
- Mid-Continent Region Director
- 816 586-9475
- drcreach88@gmail.com
Jim Shipley
- Mid-Continent Alternate Director
- 816 663-1334
- shiplj@gmail.com
- Term Expires 2025
Mississippi Valley Region
Bud Mundy
- Mississippi Valley Region Director
- 314 805-1313
- bcmundy@earthlink.net
- Term Expires 2026
Dennis Boyet
- Mississippi Valley Alternate Director
- 314 398-3578
- deboyet@aol.com
- Term Expires 2026
North Central Region
Chris Harris
- North Central Region Director
- 701 729-2929
- chris.harris@chtrade.com
Mike Bigelow
- North Central Alternate Director
- Term Expires 2025
Northwest Region
Dan Zaccanti
- Northwest Region Director
- 509 733-1003
- zaccs@televar.com
Tom Peyton
- Northwest Alternate Director
- 509 679-9618
- tpeyton151@hotmail.com
- Term Expires 2025
Southeast Region
Wayne Moore
- Southeast Region Director
- 734 395-5738
- boonedex@hotmail.com
- Term Expires 2026
Buddy Ross
- Southeast Alternate Director
- 407 448-8393
- bross6mm@hotmail.com
- Term Expires 2026
Southwest Region
Mike Sosenko
- Southwest Region Director
- 714 745-9001
- 6ppcshooter1@att.net
- Term Expires 2026
Barry Bluhm
- Southwest Alternate Director
- 805 798-2473
- TwiLiteZ585@hotmail.com
- Term Expires 2026