NBRSA Match Director of the Month
Congratulations to Larry Tilley on being chosen as our NBRSA Match Director of the month! His range, Southwest Louisiana Rifle & Pistol Club (SWLA) was chosen as the Range of the month. Here’s some questions we asked Mr. Tilley along with his answers.
What Range(s) do you host as a Match Director?
He is the benchrest match director of the Southwest Louisiana Rifle and Pistol Club
How many years have you been a NBRSA Match Director?
Larry has been the match director for SWLA for 3 Years and a NBRSA member for 11 years
Which Benchrest shooting discipline matches do you host at your range? Long Range? Score? Group?
SWLA shoots score both VFS and Hunter Class benchrest, but mainly VFS.
Favorite NBRSA registered match you host each year?
Louisiana State VFS and HTR and Gulf Coast Region VFS and HTR
What makes this match so special?
Championship match, traveling trophy and better attendance
Do you personally shoot any Benchrest matches? If so, which matches?
Yes, all of the SWLA matches and Tomball for the Texas State VFS.
What rifle components do you use (Scope, Stock, Action, Barrel, Trigger)
Jewell trigger, Farley action, Bartlein .30-17 twist in .30 BR, NF 42X scope, 10X 115 gr or 117 gr bullet, old style McMillan benchrest stock. Larry shot expert in the Marine Corp and when he found out about the SWLA Rifle and Pistol Club around 2010 he was invited to shoot in their factory class matches. His mentor has been Ray Perry. Mentor or the blame for getting him started in benchrest shooting whichever way you want to look at it. Larry started with a factory Remington rifle with a 5R barrel in .308 that had the black and green webbed H-S Precision stock that was made for Remington. The year immediately after he started he won every factory class match that year shooting the Remington rifle with Federal match ammo loaded with Sierra MK bullets. Ray Perry is Larry’s gunsmith and helped him learn to reload and helped him get started with the custom benchrest rifle.
Greatest benchrest match memory to date?
Winning the Louisiana State VFS in 2019
Funniest Benchrest match memory to date?
We all have a good time. Most people are pre-loaded for VFS matches so there is a lot more time for visiting, You hate to say the funniest is when you see the guy you compete with the most get his butt kicked and you are the one to do it. The hardest benchrest memory, Larry was taking registration for the days match, he wasn’t feeling well and his heart rate had gotten to 200 bpm. He had to go to the ER and didn’t get to shoot.
How can the NBRSA assist you in making your matches more successful?
The continued support of our club, just as the NBRSA has always done.